Wednesday, November 11, 2009


If I could fly like Peter Pan
I’d fly away up into the clouds
Where I would visit Angels before
I visited all the wondrous places of the world
First would be the pyramids of Egypt
Where I would sit atop of the largest one
To look down on the desert stretched out before me
Then I would float to Mount Everest
There I would soar like an eagle
To its highest peak and sit in the snow
While I surveyed the labours of mountain climbers
As they seek to reach the summit
I would visit the Eiffel Tower, Venice, Rome
And many other places
Before I glided with the currents
In my quest to find a new world
A land of milk and honey where there are no wars or terrorists
No sorrow, murder or rape, only happiness
Where people love and care for one another
And there I would stay
Yes, I am dreaming but I wish it were true,
If only I could fly away like Peter Pan
To find a world that was paradise.


  1. Beautiful! Awesome thoughts made me dream about that prosperous life once again..! I too wish I could fly.. :) A world full of happiness and peace lets hope we would see it soon.

  2. this is one cute poem... good one...
