Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Tribute?

What haven't I done?
I'm like the mirror image of insanity.
The fights, the lies and the misbehavior.

I guess craziness was born with me.
Insensitivity is all about me.
Inconsiderate idiot; that's who I am.

No sentiments, no hard feelings.
No loving words, no nothing; never expressed those.
Who am I kidding? We're not sissies.

I've never told you buggers.
You guys are the best.
Putting up with all that I do! you're great!

Arguments? me! lies? me! pickin up fights? me!
but you were always there,
trying to hold me up.

The more you try to tame me..
the more I go astray.
but you never quit!

Who are you!? friends or farmers?
all that hard work to straighten me up!
you guys are unbelievable!

So much concern! so much control!
who sent you all here!?
all at the same time!

Does this part of earth deserve only the best?
or is it just me who's fortunate?
either way; Shows that the universe was drunk when it sent you.

What's more to say here!?
Plenty more of course.
But can't fill in.

Very rarely I run out of words.
Very rarely I try styles to write.
But I do both here.

I can't stop nor I can keep going.
So confusing, just like you all.
Much interesting to be with; Most mysterious to dig more.

Trying to end it here.
What!? A tribute? Seriously?
No I guess this is just thanks.