Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Its a brand new year waiting out there.
So fresh and full of space,
for you to fill in..
Fill in with joy and happiness.
Fill in with success and prosperity.
Fill in with energy and enthusiasm.
Its a brand new year,
Its all for you..
Make a wish
Many of wishes,
You have got a whole year to work on them..
Its all yours.
Its waiting for you.
Make the most of it.
This moment, whatever you face,
You'll get through it in this New Year!
Think about what you want,
Not what you don't want.
Dream big, stay energetic.
What you think is what you get.
This is the right time.
And you've got it all for yourself.
Happy New Year!
Smile now and you'll go on with smile forever.
Be happy now and you'll be happy forever... :)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

You will realize....!!

In time, you will realize
You should have realized
quite a long time ago..!!

At times you might have thought
Issues are everything around you
You woke up on the issues' side of the bed that day

In time you will realize
You should have seen
from the other side of the mirror

You should have stepped aside
where you are standing
where you were seeing
seen the spot where you were standing before
and, that then

You could have realized
quite along time ago

issues are part of everybody's life
you couldn't have cared any less
what the rest of the world was facing

The world has its own issues and
has no reason to look after you
You should have blamed yourself for all
happened around you
if you were not supposed to be blamed
You had no reason to worry about that
you did and that was nothing just madness

In time you will realize
You should have lived the moment
its never too late
and when you realize
You will know what this means..

Words and Life

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I look at nature around me in awe
A butterfly with its glorious patterns and colours
Tall trees gently swaying in the breeze
A bird collecting worms for its young
The sky with cotton wool clouds stretching up into infinity
And I feel a warmth and peace in my heart
Knowing this is God’s creation.

When I see a fiery sunset in all its splendour
Tall mountains and the wide expanse of the sea
I think of God
In the solitude of a rainforest amongst the shadows and silence
I think of God and feel his presence
How powerful and amazing he is to have created all these things
Even though I am but the tiniest of specks compared to Him
And a miserable sinner, He still loves me and I am humbled

Friday, December 4, 2009

Short Story: Out Of The Darkness

I first noticed the two men reflected in a shop window as I passed by. They were standing by a shop front across the street, both wearing dark macintoshes; their faces hidden under the kind of hats men wore in the fifties. It was becoming late and the crowds had thinned considerably. A light shower of rain had given the road a sheen that reflected the lights of the city, highlighting the shadowy darkness of the shop front opposite, from where a cigarette glowed. Nothing seemed amiss, the fact that they were there had nothing to do with me, or so I thought, until I realised they were always there, lurking close by, no matter where I went.

I stopped for coffee and after ordering, saw them sitting at a table not too far from me. This is too much of a coincidence I thought feeling uneasy. Gathering up my parcels, I paid the bill and walked out onto the pavement. I heard the scrape of their chairs on the cafe floor, as I shut the door behind me. I tried hard to control the fear that threatened to overtake me and resisted the impulse to run. I'll hail a taxi I decided instead of walking to my home. Cars streaked by as I walked, but no taxis. I walked faster. What could they want? I could sense their presence behind me and stepped up my pace. Still no taxis. I would have to make it by foot. Would I arrive safely home?

The acrid smell of cigarette smoke wafted in the air. I was too frightened to look back and began to run in the now empty street. I careered around the corner my parcels falling to the ground. I left them behind and zigzagged through the streets that jigsawed to home. Houses still had their lights on. I could hear the sound of televisions blaring as I passed. It started to rain, heavily this time. I ran through puddles not caring that I was drenched from head to foot, my hair hanging in wet strands around my face. I was nearly there my lungs at bursting point, when I stumbled and scraped my knee. I picked myself up. I could feel the warm trickle of blood oozing down my leg. Sobbing I reached our front gate, wrenched it open and flew towards the front porch. The house was in darkness. While I fumbled for my keys I heard a cough and looked up.

There before me was one of them. My heart lurched! How could this have been? They had been behind me. He laughed, his face evil. Hands closed around my neck. I tried to scream, but the pressure on my throat was too great. I slowly sank, my head swimming, down, down, down into darkness, and oblivion...

My shoulder hurt. Someone was shaking it hard. 'Wake-up, Liz! Wake-up! You’re dreaming!' said Mum.